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Complaint Policy

Vanaways UK Limited is committed to providing the highest levels of service to our customers. Should you feel in any way dissatisfied with the service you have received from us, we will endeavour to resolve the matter promptly, fairly, and efficiently.

The following information summarises the steps we will take in the event that you have a complaint.

If you are unhappy with the service you have received, please contact any member of staff and we will endeavour to resolve the matter straight away, you may do this by phone, email or alternatively, if you want to write to us, please send your complaint to Vanaways UK Limited, 68 Macrae Road, Eden Office Park, Bristol, BS20 0DD. Should you wish to email you can do so by emailing or alternatively call on 01174287721.

If we can’t resolve your complaint within 3 working days of receipt, we will write to you and acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receiving it and confirm who will be dealing with the matter for you.

Once an investigation into your complaint has been completed, we will write to you with our findings and any proposed resolution. Our intended maximum response time for our Final Response is 8 weeks; this is in line with regulatory timescales. In the event that we have been unable to complete our investigation and fully respond to you within 8 weeks, we will provide you with an update at that time and inform you when we expect to be able to send you our Final Response.

Clearly, we would prefer to resolve any concern you raise with us directly. However, following the issue of our Final Response, or the expiry of the 8 weeks, providing your complaint falls within the jurisdiction of the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) you may be entitled to refer the matter to FOS should you feel it necessary to do so.

Please note that should you decide to refer this matter to the FOS, you will have six months from the date of our Final Response letter in which to do so. FOS can be contacted at: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR. Telephone number: 0300 1239123. Website FOS provide a free consumer complaint referral process. Following our Conflict & Complaints process does not affect your right to seek independent legal advice.

There is a further alternative to the Financial Ombudsman Service which is the British Vehicle Rental & Leasing Association’s Conciliation Service as an Alternative Dispute Resolution Service. Details can be found at or by emailing


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